Is Provolone Cheese Keto? Brands and Alternatives.

Last Updated on July 21, 2023 by Aaron

Yes, provolone cheese is keto-friendly. You can definitely buy and consume provolone cheese if you are on a keto diet or any similar low-carb, high-fat diet.

It’s high in fats and protein and very low in carbohydrates, which aligns with the typical macronutrient distribution followed in a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet emphasizes foods that are high in fat, moderate in protein, and very low in carbohydrates.

Like most cheeses, provolone contains almost no carbs, making it a good food choice for people on a ketogenic diet. Just remember to consume it in moderation because it’s also high in calories and saturated fat.

Cheeses, in general, are quite keto-friendly due to their high fat and protein content and low carbohydrate content. Here’s a comparison of provolone to some other popular types of cheese:

  1. Provolone: A one-ounce (28g) serving of provolone cheese contains around 7.2g of protein, 7.5g of fat, and 0.6g of carbohydrates, according to the URMC data.
  2. Cheddar: A similar serving of cheddar cheese has about 7g of protein, 9g of fat, and less than 1g of carbs.
  3. Mozzarella: A one-ounce serving of whole milk mozzarella contains around 6g of protein, 6g of fat, and less than 1g of carbohydrates.
  4. Swiss: Swiss cheese has about 8g of protein, 7.8g of fat, and less than 1g of carbohydrates per one-ounce serving.
  5. Brie: A one-ounce serving of brie contains around 6g of protein, 8g of fat, and less than 1g of carbs.
  6. Blue cheese: A serving of blue cheese offers about 6g of protein, 8g of fat, and less than 1g of carbohydrates.
  7. Feta: Feta cheese, known for its tangy flavor, contains about 4g of protein, 6g of fat, and 1.2g of carbs per ounce.

As you can see, the macronutrient profiles of these cheeses are quite similar, and all would generally be considered keto-friendly. However, it’s always a good idea to check the nutritional information on the specific brand and type of cheese you’re eating, as there can be slight variations.

Moreover, everyone’s body reacts differently to different diets and foods.

What works well for one person might not work as well for another. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to monitor your body’s responses to different cheeses.

Provolone Brands Suitable for Keto

There are many brands of provolone cheese available on the market which are also suitable for your keto diet. Below are a few popular ones:

  1. Kraft: Known worldwide, Kraft offers a wide variety of cheeses, including provolone. Their provolone cheese [1, 2] has 0 grams of carbs per serving, making it suitable for a keto diet. It’s also easily available in most grocery stores. It may be sold under the brand name Cracker Barrel.
  2. BelGioioso: This Wisconsin-based brand offers a range of Italian cheeses, including delicious provolone. It’s made in the traditional Italian style and contains zero carbs [1, 2] or one carb (on the packaging label), making it a great choice for those following a ketogenic diet.
  3. Sargento: Another well-known cheese brand, Sargento, also offers a variety of cheeses with no or low carbs [1, 2, 3], including provolone. Their cheeses are widely available and come in many forms, including slices, sticks, and shredded. Maybe sold under the brand Castle Wood Reserve.
  4. Organic Valley: If you prefer organic products, Organic Valley offers a range of organic cheeses, including provolone, with one carb or less per serving.
  5. Tillamook: This brand is recognized for its high-quality, natural cheeses. Their provolone, like most of their cheese, also contains one carb [1, 2, 3] per serving.

In general, most brands of cheese will be keto-friendly as cheese is typically high in fat and protein and low in carbs. Above are just a handful of brands that I’ve checked. However, it’s always a good idea to check the nutritional label when you go for groceries.

How Much Should Eat In a Day?

In general, a moderate serving of cheese on a ketogenic diet might be around 1-2 ounces (also about 1 to 2 slices) per day, depending on the rest of your diet and your total calorie needs.

The amount of provolone cheese you can eat on a ketogenic diet will depend on your individual dietary needs and goals. As a guide, you generally want to aim for a macronutrient distribution that is around 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates in order to maintain a state of ketosis.

A one-ounce serving of provolone cheese contains roughly 7g of protein and 7g of fat, and less than 1g of carbohydrates. Therefore, it fits nicely into the macronutrient distribution for a ketogenic diet.

However, provolone cheese is also calorie-dense (approximately 100 calories per ounce), and it’s high in saturated fat. Therefore, it’s important to consider your overall calorie intake and aim for a balanced diet. Overeating any food, even a keto-friendly one, can result in weight gain if it leads to an overall excess of calories.

Here is how. These portion sizes allow for the enjoyment of provolone cheese while still keeping it to a moderate serving size that can easily fit within the framework of a ketogenic diet:

  1. Provolone-Stuffed Burger: Prepare a lean beef or turkey burger and add a slice (around 1 ounce) of provolone cheese on top while it’s still hot. This allows the cheese to melt onto the burger. Serve with a large side salad.
  2. Omelette: Whip up a three-egg omelette and add about 1 to 1.5 ounces of provolone cheese, allowing it to melt into the eggs. Add a variety of non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, bell peppers, and mushrooms for added nutrients.
  3. Chicken Provolone: Grill or bake a chicken breast and top with 1-2 slices of provolone cheese towards the end of cooking, allowing it to melt onto the chicken. Serve with a side of roasted low-carb vegetables like zucchini or Brussels sprouts.
  4. Provolone and Deli Meat Roll-Ups: Lay out 2 slices of provolone cheese, add a slice of deli meat to each (like turkey or ham), roll them up, and enjoy as a quick and simple snack.
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